From hazardous steel waste
to clean premium raw material
No more steel dumping into landfills!
Worldwide, millions of tons of contaminated steel scrap are released every year, from buildings, trains, ships and industrial installations, to cite a few. For example, the steel is contaminated with asbestos and/or Chromium 6. Cleaning contaminated steel scrap for reuse is difficult and costly. If the steel cannot be cleaned, it will be dumped in landfills and a valuable raw material will be lost. This can be done differently from now on!
PMC recycles poluted steelwaste in a sustainable and cost-efficient way
Purified Metal Company is the first company in the world to responsibly process contaminated steel scrap into a high-quality raw material. The process is patented and developed to separate the contaminants from the steel in a 100 percent safe way. This solution is not only sustainable, but also cost-efficient. There is no need for a costly cleaning process anymore.
Landfill ban in force from 01-01-2021!
PMC’s process competes with the Dutch landfill tariffs. In the Netherlands there is an irrevocable landfill ban on steel mixed asbestost (Official Gazette).
Clean product
The hazardous steel scrap is processed into steel blocks, the so-called Purified Metal Blocks™ (PMBs), which serve as a high-quality raw material for the steel and foundry industry. In fact, every kilogram of PMB’s produced saves 1 kg of CO2 because steel is not produced by iron ore.
PMC At a Glance
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